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Missing & Found Pets

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Gray / brown tabby cat with melted whiskers ( possibly from fire? ) in Devore shelter

Gray / brown tabby cat with melted whiskers ( possibly from fire? ) in Devore shelter

Devore shelter Kennel No: D C606 Animal No: A814266

Found Gray tabby longhair main coon? Male.

Found Gray tabby longhair main coon? Male.

Do you know this beautiful creature? Please let me know. He surprised us today when we set a trap fo...

Cat found in Palisades area. Gray / brown tabby cat.

Cat found in Palisades area. Gray / brown tabby cat.

Maggie R Felmann on FB Cat brought in by officer to west la shelter. Found cat. Palisades fire

Found shorthair cat in bad condition gray /brown tabby with white

Found shorthair cat in bad condition gray /brown tabby with white

I don't have a name yet and I'm approximately 6 years old unknown domestic sh. I have been at the Do...

Long hair calico off Yarnell St exit

Long hair calico off Yarnell St exit

Long hair calico. Loves making biscuits when petted. Definitely an indoor cat. Seems young. Very s...

All white with a black tail and black around his eyes. He looks like he's wearing a mask.

All white with a black tail and black around his eyes. He looks like he's wearing a mask.

All white with a black tail and black around his eyes. He looks like he's wearing a mask. Last Seen...

Lost Maine Coon, white paws, long hair black/orange/white,

Lost Maine Coon, white paws, long hair black/orange/white,

Senior, large cat 17lb Senior, small cat 9lb, Maine Coon, white paws, long hair black/orange/whit...



Missing from Audrey Terr and Liberty Ave Union 07083.Orange cat neutered male.

Found female brown and black ( Gray ) tabby domestic shorthair

Found female brown and black ( Gray ) tabby domestic shorthair

🔥 Badly burned in Eaton fire 🔥 I believe stray holds for animals displaced by the fire is 21 day...