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Devore shelter Kennel No: D C606 Animal No: A814266
Do you know this beautiful creature? Please let me know. He surprised us today when we set a trap fo...
Maggie R Felmann on FB Cat brought in by officer to west la shelter. Found cat. Palisades fire
I don't have a name yet and I'm approximately 6 years old unknown domestic sh. I have been at the Do...
Long hair calico. Loves making biscuits when petted. Definitely an indoor cat. Seems young. Very s...
All white with a black tail and black around his eyes. He looks like he's wearing a mask. Last Seen...
Senior, large cat 17lb Senior, small cat 9lb, Maine Coon, white paws, long hair black/orange/whit...
Missing from Audrey Terr and Liberty Ave Union 07083.Orange cat neutered male.
🔥 Badly burned in Eaton fire 🔥 I believe stray holds for animals displaced by the fire is 21 day...