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Striped tail. BERGIE. Domestic Short Hair. Female.
Black and Gray striped tail. BLUEJAY. Tabby - Domestic Short Hair. Age: Adult (6mos - 6yrs). Fem...
If you come across him or go to the address and rattle the gate he may come when he hears his name....
Wearing collar with tags for the CANOGA PARK RESCUE where BUSTER was adopted. BUSTER. Tabby - Dome...
Was a TNR feral; friendly now but still skittish. CALLIE. Calico. Age: Senior (7+ yrs). Female....
CARROT CAKE. Domestic Short Hair. Age: -. Male. meow@tailtowncats.com or gwendolyn@kittenrescue....
Mostly whtie/ beige with buff/ orange ears "mask" and orange striped tail. CHARLIE. Domestic Short...
Small white spot on left upper part of mouth. Extra toes on her front paws (polydactyl). Tips of bot...
Comes from same household as Finky. CHEECH. Maine Coon. Age: Adult (6mos - 6yrs). Female. Janni...