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Missing & Found Pets

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Cat lost -Harriet / Calaveras

Cat lost -Harriet / Calaveras

Black cat with wispy white spot on chest. SHADOW. Domestic Shorthair. Female. 71167295@pawboos...

Cat lost North of Mountain View Cemetary

Cat lost North of Mountain View Cemetary

Comes from same household as Benny. SUNNY. Bengal. Age: Adult (6mos - 6yrs). Male. Michelle Wro...

Cat lost Olive and Altadena

Cat lost Olive and Altadena

Same household as Puppy. THOMAS. Scottish Fold. Male.

Cat lost W calavera street

Cat lost W calavera street

very shy. TIGER. Age: adult (6mos - 6yrs). Female. Évangéline bastide 747-290-7630.

Cat lost Marengo & Athens

Cat lost Marengo & Athens

Stray - friendly, but likely a stray. TIGER. Tabby - Domestic Short Hair. Age: senior (7+ yrs)....

Cat lost El Molino Ave and Mendocino

Cat lost El Molino Ave and Mendocino

Tannish orange fur on top, full white belly.. TOM. Tabby - Domestic Short Hair. Male. 562-264-...

Cat lost 68 W Mariposa

Cat lost 68 W Mariposa

Missing his top foot right fang. TONY. Tabby - Domestic Short Hair. Age: 4 Years. Male. IG @li...

Cat lost Near Eaton Canyon

Cat lost Near Eaton Canyon

Indoor / Outdoor CatBuff/cream & white. Possibly faint tabby markings.Some cream/buff tiger striping...

Cat lost Palm St / Grandeur Ave, Altadena

Cat lost Palm St / Grandeur Ave, Altadena

THELMA. Domestic Short Hair. Male. @iloverescue (ig).