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Missing & Found Pets

A fully free database to search and post lost and found animals, as well as find pets for adoption and rescure / foster care.
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Lucas, Male, grey+white        Zara,female,black+white

Lucas, Male, grey+white Zara,female,black+white

The male cat is grey and white hes fixed The female cat is black and white shes not fixed Im...

Marshall, Grey and White Shorthair

Marshall, Grey and White Shorthair

Grey and White Shorthair Green Eyes Grey/Black Striped Tail

Short term fosters needed for cats! Urgent! 🚨

Short term fosters needed for cats! Urgent! 🚨

Hunter, Leo, Rubio are likely pending euth ALREADY and Checkers becoming high risk on Wednesday al A...

Female gray / Russian / British blue cat found in Pasadena

Female gray / Russian / British blue cat found in Pasadena

A520032, a female gray cat found near Fair Oaks and Washington in Pasadena. Please contact Pasadena...

Orange / ginger and white longhair cat

Orange / ginger and white longhair cat

A520006, a longhaired orange and white cat found near Fair Oaks and Mission in South Pasadena.

Found black and white cat.

Found black and white cat.

FOUND on February 3, 2025 in Santa Ana, CA 92701 near Bush y spurgeon Contact finder here: www.pawb...

Neutered Domestic Long Hair Tan Male Cat

Neutered Domestic Long Hair Tan Male Cat

$REWARD$ Needs medication.Last seen on January 28th. Near South Pomona,ca.

Tabby cat from Palisades Mobile park

Tabby cat from Palisades Mobile park

Tabby female with green eyes.



black with white vest and white paws. has a black goatee. skinny build.