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Missing & Found Pets

A fully free database to search and post lost and found animals, as well as find pets for adoption and rescure / foster care.
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Black and white male

Black and white male

Black and white

Black and white

Female calico and white lost

Female calico and white lost

Gray shorthair male

Gray shorthair male

Shanti lost pacific Palisades fire

Shanti lost pacific Palisades fire

Sylvester male Tuxedo lost Pacific Palisades

Sylvester male Tuxedo lost Pacific Palisades

Pacific Palisades

Orange tabby cat

Orange tabby cat

Found cat gray fur with a white mouth and belly

Found cat gray fur with a white mouth and belly

This medium sized gray fur with a white mouth and belly has been hiding out in the basement for abou...

Blonde male cat

Blonde male cat

Found in Burbank, Blonde/Cream Male Tabby cat. Very sweet boy. Wearing a collar with no tags. Right...